Spread the load with our range of Crane Spreader Beams which are available in a range of capacities and lengths to suit any application or appliance. Each beam is supplied with 5 lift positions as standard and are fitted with 2 safety swivel hooks. All Crane Spreader Beams are finished in safety yellow enamel paint. Galvin Engineering always recommends you check your crane specifications and with the local Regulatory Authority like WorkCover to ensure any specific laws are covered when using crane spreader beams attached to any type of crane or lifting equipment.
Type: CSB Crane Spreader Beams
The CSB Crane Spreader Beam is available in a range of capacities and lengths to suit any application. Crane Spreader Beams are supplied standard with 5 lift positions and fitted with 2 safety swivel hooks.
The standard finish on all Crane Spreader Beams is painted enamel in ‘safety yellow’.
The chart below shows the standard range of Crane Spreader Beams available. Choose the Safe Working Load and Beam length (Dimension ‘A’) to suit yor application.
Special width and capacity available on request.